Behind the scenes: Getting to know the actors (Part 1)

Getting to know the actors (Part 1)

Don Juan is on trial. The time to stand in front of all those women who loved him, his “victims”, and face the consequences of his own actions will soon come! And you will witness that great moment in Thespians’ Anonymous spring production Don Juan on Trial by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt. Who are behind the characters? Here they are! Three boys are sharing their thoughts with you.

Q: How and when did you start acting?

Bryan: I started acting in Drama class at school. It’s been a hobby ever since. When I was at University I tried my hand at writing and acting in a small theater group. I studied Film, so I got to help out by acting in my friends films.

Alexander: I first started acting when I was eleven at a school play in which I had five lines. If that doesn’t count then I started about two months ago with this play.

Bryan Dollery plays Don Juan

Zachary: I have been acting since I was a little kid; basically my whole life. I did musicals in high school, which were the biggest (theatre) shows I’d been in up to that point and helped define how theatre works in my head.

Q: What theater means to you?

Bryan: Theater is the scarier medium of performing; there is no room for mistakes on stage.

Alexander: It’s like watching TV, but with theater you can also smell the actors.

Zachary: To me, theatre is a chance to pretend to be someone else; to escape reality into a work of fiction. I also enjoy entertaining people and wearing fun costumes.

Alexander Sterckx plays Sganarelle

Q: Tell me a few things about your part in the play. Any challenges?

Bryan: Arrogant, cocky, elaborate, complex – all the things that are fun to act. I haven’t acted on a stage in a while, I haven’t had a role this big in years and I expect this will be a bigger audience than I’m used to… so no pressure!

Zachary Laster plays The Chevalier

Alexander: I have a larger part than expected to be honest. I am playing Sganarelle, the valet and loyal friend of Don Juan: A complete stranger to none of the mysteries of the human condition, full of hidden depths and contradictions. Since I am new to the theater there are many things I have learned and still have to learn. Things I have learned: the difference between up-stage and down-stage, things I still need to learn: how to tie a cravat. It is going to be a challenge to embody Sganarelle. He is a very multidimensional character and it won’t be easy to do justice to him.

Zachary: The Chevalier is hard to describe without giving too much away. The part is reasonably short, but works like a candle allegory: The brightest candles burn half as long. He’s a fun part to play, though only a little different from some of my past roles. I very much enjoy his wit.


To be continued with more interviews…


Dimitra Spyratou is a new Thespians Anonymous’ member and very interested in theater and anything related to it. Talking with enthousiastic actors about their experience and perception of theater was very inspiring! This blog post is the first part of getting to know the actors.

Don Juan on Trial by Eric- Emmanuel Schmitt is Thespians Anonymous’ play for Spring 1015. Shows are on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of April, 2015 in Hurjaruuth, Kaapelitehdas Tallberginkatu 1 A Helsinki. For more information visit Thespians Anonymous’ webpage or the Facebook event.

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