Imagine a situation in a bar. A person is sitting on a lonely, wooden table, staring at the changing lights of gambling machines. Once this person gets your attention, a curiosity arises. Who is this person? Building your courage, you might approach her and start to ask all kinds of …

‘Because I want to live a thousand lives I’ve never had, to be tall, beautiful, feminine or small, homely and adorable, or to be able to climb a trapeze. And to know that even though I’m just me I can become all the others and that gives me the power …

If you could choose a character, any character to play on stage, who would you choose? Even five years ago my answer probably would have been George, a hairy middle-aged truck driver and a part time homeless guy with substance abuse problems. When I was younger and doing theatre, I …

One of the many things that intrigue me about acting is the art of using facial expressions. When incorporated into body movement, it can create the perfect portrayal of any character. In theory it shouldn’t be that complicated, because almost every one of us expresses their feelings with their faces, …